Monday, September 15, 2008


WP 13.1 Before the start of the game and in the presence of the referees, the captains shall toss a coin, the winner to have the choice of ends.

WP 13.2 At the start of each period, the players shall take up positions on their respective goal lines, about one metre apart and at least one metre from the goal posts. Not more than two players shall be allowed between the goal posts. No part of a player’s body shall be beyond the goal line at water level.

WP 13.3 When the referees are satisfied that the teams are ready, a referee shall blow the whistle to start and then release or throw the ball into play on the half distance line.

WP 13.4 If the ball is released or thrown giving one team a definite advantage, the referee shall call for the ball and award a neutral throw on the half distance line.

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